As a parent and a coach, the process of being an elite wrestler used to mystify me. What do these NCAA and Olympic champions do that the others aren’t? What is their secret to success at a high level?
Some will try to over simplify this and just say “hard work”. But lots of people work hard and don’t achieve what the elite do.
But now that I’ve coached some of these elite kids who have gone on to win Fargo, Super 32, make World Teams and even win the NCAA tournament, I’ve been able to see the patterns.
Most are hyper competitive and have an almost delusional belief in themselves.
BUT the number one thread that ties it all together? The “secret”?
Heads down, plug away at the process no matter how they are feeling at the time. Do they have ups and downs? YES! Do they always want to train hard? No, they are human. But they just keep plugging away at it. Obsessively.
But “the process” isn’t just showing up to practice and training. It’s more than that.
It’s deliberate. It’s personal.
Fix weaknesses, improve strengths. Technical, physical and mental. What’s holding you back? What will propel you forward?
Do a little every day. Train, watch film, recover.
Then challenge yourself. Both in practice and competitions. You have to be vulnerable to get better. You have to seek out competition.
You win or you lose. Doesn’t matter.
Then evaluate. Find out what happened. Where are the patterns? What should you fix? What went well?
Then repeat the cycle over and over again.